Development of a general Time-Series Analysis Package
Time-Series Analysis Algorithms
Analysis of the chemical profile of drilled-cores (Kirchrode
drilled-core project)
Analysis and prediction of population dynamics in
ecosystems (Peruvian coast-upwelling system)
Estimation of the distribution of complex pollutant
substances in mixtures (air dust) from their (chemical)
analytical contents
Weather prediction and downscaling applied to the
meteorological station in Potsdam
Research - Interests
Neural networks
Dynamics of complex systems
Time-Series Analysis
C++ - programming language
Tcl/Tk programming language and extensions
Windows NT
Microsoft Access and other office products
Stock Market Analysis
Diplomarbeit:Neuronale Netzwerke für
Steuerung und Kontrolle
In my Thesis I developed a hierarchical neural network
based on a Radial-Function-Basis-System and carefully
tested it on chaotic time-series and for controlling (balancing)
a physical pendulum.
T. Fröhlinghaus, A. Weichert and P. Rujan. Hierarchical
Neural Networks for Time-Series Analysis and Control
Network 5 (1994) 1---16
Software Package - Data-Stream-Network
A graphically integrated package of time-series
algorithms for MS-Windows/NT. Click
here for more information !
Doktorarbeit (Ph.D.) Zeitreihenanalyse natürlicher Systeme
mit neuronalen Netzen und
Methoden der statistischen Physik sowie
der nichtlinearen Dynamik