
Progress and Version-Info




New menu-command: Node/Empty (only Datanode)

I wanted to archive my old nets. To restore them completely I need only the network structrue and the parameter. To save disk space I enable with this command to emtpy qick the datanodes: Only the datanodes of the marked part of the net are cleared.



To the Node-Editbox is add a button to call a extern html-viewer with the corrospondet help.

You must define the viewer in the tsa.ini


help label for the button functions


Starting the developement of a general help-file (help/dsn.doc or help/html/dsn.html

Help-file supplemented with a "how to do" with 3 examples


Eliminating bug in NPP and writing of the documention


Some intern code changings to make compatible with UNIX

directory /tsa/help/html included in package


Intern changings (delete exec2 and repace [DosPath] with [file nativename]


Commandline parameter "" starts the program and loads the file xxx


IMPORTANT: You MUST NOT set a Path with a space in it with in " "-brackets in the tsa.ini


All *.html are renamed now to *.htm (There are still person who use win3.11)

The *.htm are not located in a separte directory. All files are in the tsa/help, now.


A new photo of me in the Help/About (not with green hairs)


DSN Package reduced: Unimportant files deleted


Changings in the setup.bat file.

If you want to install DSN in the main-dir you must set only the drive parameter

> setup d:

and not

> setup d: \

as before.

(Installation in a special path: > setup d: \usr\public)


New version published